Festival of Independent Film

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Festival neodvisnega filma
Ljubljanska 76, SI-1230 Domžale
Festival dates20.6.2023 - 23.6.2023

The Festival of Independent Film was established in 2009 in Domžale by the cultural association MILF and the Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia. Its forerunner was the Festival of Independent Film and Video organised in Ljubljana from 1996 through 2004 by the Cineast Cultural and Artistic Association. Both initiatives were supported by the Film Programme of the Public Fund for Cultural Activities.

The prizes of the first festival went to the films Impression of a Great City by Amir Muratović (1st prize), Bititsch by Peter Bizjak, The Plums are Ripe by Marko Brecelj and Matevž Pucelj, while the second edition of the festival awarded Tomaž Gorkič's The Flesh Chain, Bryan Lauch's Seven Shorts and Ermela Teli's We Hear What we See. The jury's special mention went to Rudi Uran and his work Munira.

See also

External links

Festival neodvisnega filma +
November, 2 days +
48 (2012), 48 (2013), 48 (2014) +
26.11.2015 - 28.11.2015, 24.11.2016 - 26.11.2016, 25.11.2017 - 26.11.2017, 29.11.2018 - 1.12.2018, 29.11.2019 - 30.11.2019, 28.5.2022 - 29.5.2022, 4.6.2022 - 23.6.2022, 20.6.2023 - 23.6.2023 +
20,230,623 +
20,230,620 +
201248 +, Expression error: Missing operand for +. +, 201348 +, 201448 +, 201548 +, 201647 +, 201747 +, 201848 +, 201948 +, 202221 +, 202222 +, 202223 +, 202224 +, 202225 +  and 202325 +
annual +
Festival neodvisnega filma +
SI-1230 Domžale +
Ljubljanska 76 +
The Festival of Independent Film was established in 2009 in Domžale by the cultural association MILF and the Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia. +
The Festival of Independent Film was established in 2009 in Domžale by the cultural association MILF and the Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia. +
Domžale +
SI-1230 +
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